Explored Three Waterfalls in Amami Oshima

How Many Waterfalls Are There in Amami Oshima?

Do you know how many waterfalls there are in Amami Oshima? When I checked on Google Maps, I found several waterfalls, but in reality, there are even more. I might not know the exact number, but it’s said that there are over 100 waterfalls in Amami Oshima. Among them, only a few waterfalls have names.

The search results for waterfalls in Amami Oshima on Google Maps.

I explored three waterfalls with a friend so let me share share the experience. Each of them was incredibly beautiful!

Exploring Waterfalls in Amami Oshima

Tangyo waterfall

At 8:00 in the morning, I met up with my friend and started trekking towards Tangyo waterfall. The morning sun was bright, and the forecast predicted the temperature to rise to 26 degrees on this day. We began our journey, walking through rugged rocky terrain, aiming for the waterfall.

The morning sun casting its rays on the riverbank.
The guide walking towards the waterfall.

After about 45 minutes of climbing rocks and swimming along the way, we reached the waterfall.

A man standing on the rocks near the waterfall.

Tangyo waterfall was once considered the tallest waterfall in Kyushu until a few years ago. However, more recently, other taller waterfalls have been discovered.

A man swimming in the waterfall basin and another sitting on the rocks.

I tried swimming in the basin. Since it was still early in the morning, the temperature was low, and the water was cold, making it a bit chilly. However, it seems like it would be refreshing in the warmer spring weather.

Annengachi waterfall

The next waterfall is Annengachi waterfall. It’s located about 2 kilometers down a forest road. Once you park your car and enter the woods, the waterfall appears. This waterfall has a shallow basin, making it perfect for waterfall play, especially in the summer. With its abundant water flow, it seems like an ideal spot for waterfall meditation.

A man stands in front of Annengachi waterfall.

The Nameless waterfall

The last waterfall we visited was unnamed. It’s a hidden gem not even listed on Google Maps. A short walk along the river leads to this secret waterfall. Although it has a low drop, the basin is stunning. It seems like a perfect spot to enjoy the tour’s outdoor lunch time.

Explore the Waterfalls of Amami Oshima!

Besides the waterfalls featured today, there are plenty more to explore in Amami Oshima. The island’s abundant mountains and water sources contribute to this richness of it. For those eager to explore various waterfalls, you can request a one-day tour. Some of them can only be reached through guided tours, providing a unique and exclusive experience!


朝8時に友人と会い、Tangyoの滝を目指して沢歩きを始めました。朝日が眩しく、この日は気温が26度まで上がる予報でした。ゴツゴツした岩場を歩いて滝を目指します。途中岩を登ったり、泳いだりしながら45分ほど歩くと滝に到着しました。 タンギョの滝は数年前までは九州一落差がある滝と言われていました。現在は他にも高い滝が発見されました。



