Joined Trial Tour in Tarumizu, Kagoshima

I participated in the trial tour held in Tarumizu City. The two-day adventure was packed with exciting activities, including a visit to Sakurajima, a tour of the amberjack fish farm, sushi making, tent sauna, hot springs, river walk, BBQ, biking tour, and a foot bath. The meals were luxurious, and Tarumizu City is actively creating tours with the aim of attracting foreign tourists.

There are many scenic spots where you can see Sakurajima.
Visit the fish farm for a hands-on experience in feeding and observing the handling of amberjacks.
Compare the sushi I rolled myself with the sushi made by a skilled chef. The one I made might resemble onigiri (rice ball), even though the ingredients are the same, the taste is different.
Stylish breakfast.
Black pork tonkatsu rice burger.

I have uploaded the biking tour on YouTube.

For this tour, I took the Friday night ferry from Amami Oshima, joined the group in Kagoshima in the morning, and enjoyed interesting stories about Sakurajima and local insights during our bus journey. Tarumizu City is a nature-rich rural town with abundant water, mountains, rivers, and the sea. The Sarugajo Gorge, where I stayed, was particularly beautiful, and the tent sauna by the riverside was blissful.

Enjoying the tour with guides and staff full of Tarumizu love added a charming touch. While the tours are still in the creation phase, with sales expected to start next year, I’m looking forward to their completion.



