January Recap

Hello everyone. It’s been a month since the start of the new year. Have you been able to kick off the year on a positive note? Today, I’d like to reflect on the events of January.

This winter, it seems that the number of visitors to Amami Oshima was lower than usual due to reduced flights. Link Adventures received fewer reservations than usual, averaging about once a week. As a result, I had the opportunity to conduct more fieldwork. During times without reservations, I explored the forests and seas, conducting previews for future tours.

A small stream discovered during fieldwork.
A magnificent sunset from the observation point.

This month involved several business trips to Tokyo and Kagoshima. In Tokyo, I participated in business meetings with travel agencies. This allowed me to gain a better understanding of global travel trends and what international travelers seek when coming to Japan. In Kagoshima, I held a closing meeting for a project that started last year.

The signboard at Link Adventures' booth at the business negotiation venue.

Additionally, this month welcomed travel professionals from both domestic and international travel agencies for inspections on Amami Oshima. I spent a significant amount of time preparing for their visit. Activities included experiencing the traditional dance, kayaking in the mangroves, visiting a workshop for Oshima Tsumugi, and trying out mud dyeing. 

Customers experiencing mud dyeing.

Despite the cold weather due to a cold wave, it seems everyone enjoyed the experiences.

For me, January felt like a month dedicated to preparing for the rest of the year. I established new connections, and I believe I’ve made a good start.


この冬、奄美大島への飛行機が減便された影響により例年よりも来島客が少なかったように感じます。Link Adventuresにいただく予約も少なく、週に1回程度でした。そのため、今月はフィールドワークを多くすることができました。予約がない時に森や海に行ってツアーの下見を行いました。


