Hello everyone!
I joined customers for whale watching this week. From January to April, humpback whales migrate to Amami Oshima. Humpback whales migrate to Amami Oshima from January to April. We were guided by the marine guide service ON SHORE. According to the guide, whales that feed in the waters near Russia during the summer, visit Amami Oshima and Okinawa in winter to give birth.
On the day of the tour, a south wind was blowing, and we headed for whale watching in surprisingly warm temperatures for winter. We drove for about an hour and a half, searching for whales, but couldn’t find them easily. The waves were a little bit high due to the wind, and the guide seemed to be struggling to spot whales as well.
Due to the waves, as we were turning the boat back to head to another point, we faintly saw a blow. We were able to find the whales. The whales swam gracefully near the water’s surface, occasionally spouting water or showing their tails, entertaining us. Additionally, they breached once, giving us a spectacular sight.
It was a very fortunate tour, and the customers were also highly satisfied.
There are Whale and Dolphin Association in Amami Oshima. There are established rules for observing whales without causing them stress, and this tour was conducted in a whale-friendly manner. Additionally, the tour company maintains communication with other boats to ensure the safe implementation of the tours.
私は今週、お客様に同行してホエールウォッチングに参加しました。案内してくれたのはマリンガイドサービスのON SHOREです。奄美大島には1月から4月までザトウクジラが回遊してきます。ガイドさんによると、夏にロシア近海で餌を食べたクジラが冬になると奄美大島や沖縄に出産のために訪れるとのことです。