First Aid Training Course

Have you ever administered first aid to someone? In Amami Oshima Island, there are about 4,000 emergency calls annually, and if you live on the island, you hear the sirens of ambulances almost every day.

In January of this year, I found an elderly person collapsed in front of my house and called for an ambulance. At that time, it turned out they had just fallen and were bleeding due to intoxication, so it wasn’t a serious situation, but you never know when you might encounter a life-threatening situation. That’s why, on October 24th, I took an advanced first aid training course.

Being able to provide appropriate first aid when you come across an injured or ill person can make a significant difference. It’s said that it takes an average of 9 minutes for an ambulance to arrive after making a call, and those 9 minutes can be crucial in saving a life. During this training, we learned practical skills, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and first aid for bleeding. For chest compressions, it’s crucial to perform them at a rate of 100 times or more per minute with the correct technique and arm extension. When using an AED, follow the voice instructions calmly. A triangular bandage can be useful for both stopping bleeding and immobilization. I learned a lot.

Among all the topics covered, the concern for snakebites from Habu snakes is significant in Amami Oshima Island. However, it seems that there isn’t a well-established first aid procedure for Habu snakebites. Even I carry a poison remover during tours, but it seems there’s uncertainty about its effectiveness as well. In Amami Oshima, Habu snakes are a common risk, so I feel the need for further information and preparation.

I strongly recommend that everyone takes a first aid training course at least once to be prepared for emergency situations that can happen at any time.
